Wednesday, June 22, 2005

FROM MY MAILBOX: A Message from Nelson Mandela

Dear Friend:

Could the G8 summit on July 6th be an historic opportunity for America to lead the world - and save millions of lives?

Nelson Mandela thinks so: He's calling on the world's leaders to act now to end AIDS and extreme poverty.

In a new video on, the former President of South Africa and hero in the struggle against apartheid asks the G8 nations for an unprecedented deal on debt, aid and trade for people in the world's poorest countries.

Will you join this call and sign the ONE letter to President Bush today?

If you've already signed the ONE Declaration, this is the next step you can take to fight global AIDS and poverty. The ONE letter asks the President to support three bold commitments at the G8 summit of world leaders on July 6th - more and better international assistance, debt cancellation and trade reform.

Please sign the ONE letter and then ask three friends and family members to join you.

Act today to send President Bush to the G8 Summit carrying the compassion, justice and generosity of millions of Americans. ONE signature, added today as you sit at your office, church or school, could help the poorest in the world overcome AIDS and extreme poverty - and bring hope to a generation.

Thank you,

The ONE Team

P.S. Visit to learn more about the upcoming G8 summit, who will attend and what will happen on July 6th.

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

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